بیمه پارسیان
قیمت : توافقی
3 ماه قبل / تهران
: Lifting Industry name BIME PARSIAN : Brand It's not introduced or register in our system . you can ask them directly, please :Iranian Lifting Bank code 8201 : Activity Issuing all kinds of insurance policies Material and physical damage to all kinds of machines and projects Personal injury to employees and third parties Responsibility of the operators of goods transportation Responsibility of manufacturers of goods and services, machinery and equipment Professional responsibility of machine drivers نام مجموعه : بیمه پارسیان کد عضویت : 8201 حوزه فعالیت و محصولات : صدور انواع بیمه نامه ها خسارت های مادی و فیزیکی وارد به انواع ماشین آلات و پروژه ها خسارت های...